Lockdown Tales

So many strange and different habits have formed through lockdown, keeping 2 metres apart, not leaving the house unless we really have to, no school, no going to work, zoom… so much zoom… family quizzes, one way systems in supermarkets, toilet roll stockpiling, and face masks! 

We want you to tell us your lockdown story. It doesn’t need to be an epic, it could be three lines. 

Tell us about something you’ve done that you’d never done before, tell us about forgetting to social distance, tell us a story that we can keep, that we can look back on in a years time and remember how truly weird and strange all this has been. 

How about answering these questions, they may give you an idea…

What have you cancelled?

Have you had a birthday or milestone during lockdown?

What are you missing?

What did you do out of sheer boredom?

What have you tried that you’ve never done before?

We will use the stories in our devising and scripting and who knows, maybe your story will form part of our bigger tale. 

How you tell it is up to you, you can write it down, you can draw it, if you can’t express it in words make us a mood board of your lockdown, what colour is it? What images sum it up? 

Most importantly, share it with us, email us by clicking here

We want to hear from you. 

Stay safe, get making.

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